Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A day in Phuket

In my previous post on Muz Buz, Social Media on the beach anyone? ,  I discussed my realisation of how much social media plays a role in travel. I focussed in particular on Trip Advisor and I shared my first ever review on the site. The review made me feel like I had contributed a little something back to the travel community from which I had previously benefited from through social media.

However, I still felt I owed the Karma tree something a little more meaty. I decided to create a video/photo montage depicting a day in Phuket and upload it to Vimeo. It was my first experience editing photos and video so I apologise for the low production value.

Please check out the video and let me know what you think. I'd also love to hear from anyone else who has loaded something onto Vimeo or YouTube. Do you have any tips for an amateur?

A day in Phuket from Murray Raeburn on Vimeo.


  1. Nice video Muz! Reminds me of a little number I put together as a 15 year old after a ski trip to Italy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBrFLDEFmc8 - cringe worth looking at it now although it does bring back good memories.

    Like you, I feel as though it is my obligation to review places on TripAdvisor as I get so much good information from the website it would be wrong not to pay it forward. I get as much pleasure reviewing a good hotel as I do from reviewing a truly terrible one, I find it's the average ones which are really hard to review.

  2. Good point about reviews...no one likes mediocre, it's just too hard.

    Nice YouTube clip...interesting link to the conversation we were having on your blog earlier ie the gun show. Lucky you're not a semi-famous swimmer huh.
